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01/06/17 11:12 AM

#376564 RE: obiterdictum #376561

So is Duffy a positive or negative for common shareholders ?


01/06/17 11:16 AM

#376565 RE: obiterdictum #376561

Career politicians go with the flow and have surprising chameleon abilities. That statement belongs to the Obama era. We will have to see how much he changes, switches, adjusts or fine tunes his views in the Trump era. If anything, these views support more a full privatization than a wind down. Watt may or may not have a say. The worst that can happen is wait till his term is over, 2 more years. And that will that.


01/06/17 11:24 AM

#376569 RE: obiterdictum #376561

The editorial is a perfect summation of what we face from the anti FnF crowd. When you look at the members of the senate finance committee and the banking, housing and urban affairs committee, it is striking how many are against FnF. We had all better hope that Mnuchin's comments:

"Absolutely. We gotta get Fannie and Freddie out of government ownership. It makes no sense that these are owned by the government and have been controlled by the government for as long as they have. In many cases this displaces private lending in the mortgage markets and we need these entities that will be safe; so let me just be clear we’ll make sure that when they’re restructured they’re absolutely safe and they don’t get taken over again but we gotta get them out of government control.”

don't mean what many members equate with "out of government ownership/control".


01/06/17 11:31 AM

#376576 RE: obiterdictum #376561

thx obit- unfortunatly he seems to mix up Banks and Wall street wrote and packaged the mortgages, and sold these to FnF- among others. While FnF did buy some toxic the vast majority were packaged and sold to the market. The systemic risk was created by so many faulty mtgs, that even good mtgs were lost value.

But you knew this


01/06/17 11:51 AM

#376586 RE: obiterdictum #376561

Duffy has always been Jeb Hensarling Jr.
two biggest azzholes in the House from my experience
These are the type of guys that call people who use birth control "baby killers".


01/06/17 2:45 PM

#376661 RE: obiterdictum #376561

opening the investor hub late


this guy has it so backwards

as if FNMA issued mortgages?