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01/04/17 11:05 PM

#343598 RE: back2basics #343592

He could care less about America. His objective seems to be printing the truth. Good or bad. I respect what he puts out. He stated that:

Nothing he has published has ever been proven false.

None of his sources have been made public.

Nothing he has published has gotten someone killed.

That is a record all media should strive to achieve.



01/05/17 12:35 PM

#343639 RE: back2basics #343592

Assange founded WikiLeaks in 2006 and has received the Sam Adams Award and Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism. He won the Sydney Peace Foundation Gold Medal for Peace with Justice, previously awarded to only three people—Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama, and Buddhist spiritual leader Daisaku Ikeda.

In 2010 he published secret files provided by Chelsea Manning about the wars and TIME magazine made him the person of the year!

Assange has now spent three years in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. I'm sure that was not his life's goal!

Assange garnered attention when he released the Debbie Wasserman Schulz corruption! Now why would he do that?????

If Debbie had been clean and honest there would not have been an issue!