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01/03/17 6:34 PM

#375722 RE: Barron4664 #375719

Absolutely correct about the prostitution of scientific method for political agenda.

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01/03/17 6:51 PM

#375723 RE: Barron4664 #375719

lets see - internet rando - or nasa... well I'm sure the moon landing was faked too so probably internet rando!
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01/03/17 7:12 PM

#375725 RE: Barron4664 #375719

O-Kayyyyyyy!!! Not sure where you went to school, but I'd demand a refund if I were you. I can now safely put you on ignore and not fear missing anything useful.

For science doesnt deal with facts.

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01/03/17 7:27 PM

#375726 RE: Barron4664 #375719

In Politics perception is reality. Not facts. The echo chamber is a political reality that has been perfected by the "social sciences" over decades as a means to propagate positions through public relations and propaganda. Word smiths (Dick Luntz) work overtime with focus groups to sell us the modern concepts of common words such as conservative and liberal which result in new political memes propagated over and over through the echo chambers. Just like the GSEs caused the financial crash. Let us not conflate the world of politics and the laws and rules derived there of with the world of science. For science doesnt deal with facts. Science is a mode of logic where by a hypothesis must withstand the effort of falsification to become a theory which must withstand the effort of falsification to become excepted as fact. Anything else is not science. Just as Climate change is no longer science because it is considered fact through consensus instead of attempted falsification. Anyone who tries to falsify the meme is labeled a denier and in the employ of evil oil companies.

Agreed. There is no need to conflate conflate the world of politics and the laws and rules derived there of with the world of science. Simple, observable, measurable recordable, and intersubjective facts are needed to get by.

For example, a simple, observable, measurable recordable, intersubjective fact is that on a cloudless day it appears to a seeing person that the sun rises in the east, passes overhead and sets in the west. Can anyone with seeing eyes doubt this? Can any seeing person doubt this simple, observable, measurable recordable, intersubjective experience?

Neither politics nor science are needed to assist in explaining or experiencing this appearance, this simple fact. This phenomena just is.

Science teaches that this observable fact is an illusion. The sun does not rise in the east, pass overhead and set in the west. Rather, science says that the earth rotates on an axis as it orbits around the sun and this rotation gives us the phenomenon. There is not one person I personally know or have known that could explain when asked how this rotation is known by a person standing on the earth.

Politics does not say much about this but it could be taught that this fact can be manipulated to achieve political and financial goals through say instituting Daylight Savings Time. But do these matter to the tens of millions of small farmers all over the world that depend on this fact to schedule their days of labor? Does the observable fact and experience disappear because the scientists say it is a illusion?

Consensus is not required.

We do not need politicians or scientists to explain things that occur regardless of their explanations and perceptions.

Do we need a scientific or political explanation for the simple, observable, measurable, intersubjective fact that FNMA and FMCC rose in share price today to $4.04 and $3.87 respectively? Whatever explanation given for this and about the rise does not alter the rise in prices. It happened.

So in addition to political perceptions as reality and scientists going the rounds of Popperian falsifiability tests to adjust or discard scientific theories, there are the simple observable facts that are undeniable on their face. Going by these, one can hardly be fooled by the blowhard, charlatan, con artist and the like. Simple, observable, measurable recordable, intersubjectively experienced things and behavior and the outcomes they bring tell enough to live well by.