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01/07/17 8:38 AM

#618 RE: catdaddyrt #616

Upcoming investment community one on one conference will bring new institutional money into the stock, imo. Just like the spikes we used to see over at NTI when they did conferences with investment pros.
Looking back to Cats beginning this board talking to himself with the first 6 posts, followed by jugs , WSR and me it has been a great story. Driven here following the anger at having NTI pulled away from us, it was like trying to catch a falling knife at first. We kept adding here, averaging down until blast off April fools day (ironic) 2015. Trending north now for 10 months and it feels like we will go much higher.
NGL management has certainly stayed nimble and made great moves along the way. It will be interesting to hear/read the upcoming conference call. Great long term hold....