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12/29/16 8:28 PM

#263133 RE: StephanieVanbryce #263128

I'm sorry Australia has let Obama and Kerry down on the settlement issue.

Australia distances itself from Obama administration's stance against Israeli settlements

By Defence reporter Andrew Greene, wires
Updated about 2 hours ago

Australia has distanced itself from the Obama administration over its escalating diplomatic stoush with Israel, suggesting
it would not have supported a UN resolution condemning Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

.. more ..

I'm sad Australia has not exhibited as much integrity as Obama and Kerry have on the settlement question.

It was sickening to hear a commentator say something like, 'one difference is the Obama administration is
on the way out while Bishop would be thinking of Australian relationships with the Trump administration.

True or not it would be a weak excuse.


01/08/17 9:48 PM

#263442 RE: StephanieVanbryce #263128

‘ISIS’ Attack in Jerusalem Uses a Truck, the New/Old Weapon of Choice

"Bibi Netanyahu Makes Trump His Chump"

Ronen Zvulun / Reuters


Plowing a car or truck through crowds was used to horrifying effect in Nice and Berlin—and Sunday in Israel, where such attacks began.

Neri Zilber
01.09.17 7:00 AM ET

.. sorry to see the temperature heating up in the area again .. if Trump was capable of seriously taking Obama's advice that
governing was very different from campaigning there could be some hope, yet... just saw Obama on Sydney tv .. Trump being
for settlements and for moving the embassy to Jerusalem, all the wrong signs from Trump and his extreme far-right crowd ..