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12/28/16 1:50 PM

#263110 RE: fuagf #263106

Trump Wins Electoral College And Becomes The Most Unpopular President-Elect In History

By Jason Easley on Mon, Dec 19th, 2016 at 5:54 pm

On the same day that Trump won the electoral college, a new poll found that he will enter the White House as the first president with a negative approval rating.

Donald Trump has won the Electoral College and currently sits at 304 electoral college votes:

Donald Trump crosses 270 electoral votes as 36 of 38 Texas electors vote for him.
— 270toWin (@270toWin) December 19, 2016

Trump also was found to be the first president-elect with a net negative approval rating.

According to the latest NBC News/WSJ poll, “While Trump’s overall favorability has ticked up modestly since before the election, he remains underwater, with more Americans giving him a poor rating (46 percent) than a positive one (40 percent.) That marks the first time that an incoming president has been viewed more negatively than positively in the history of the NBC/WSJ poll.”

Yes, Donald Trump will be the next president, but the majority of Americans are not happy about it.

Any other incoming administration might see the poll numbers and be alarmed, but the arrogance surrounding the Trump team means that they will continue to pander to the minority of the country that supported them. Trump’s election is providing Democrats with a fantastic opportunity. The opposition doesn’t need to wait for the next president to become unpopular. He already is. Democrats should be ready to pounce on day one of his administration.

The Trump presidency may be living on borrowed time before it has even begun


Move Over Trump’s Ego – Obama Beats Trump as Most Admired Man of 2016

By Hrafnkell Haraldsson on Wed, Dec 28th, 2016 at 11:58 am

Perhaps the worst blow of all for Trump is that "Fifty percent of Democrats named Obama as most admired, compared with 34% of Republicans choosing Trump."

Donald Trump has apparently decided that he is the best thing to happen to the world since golden toilets, to judge by the history of his recent tweets, but he just took a sharp blow to his ego as Gallup reported today that President Obama beat Trump as the most admired man of 2016. [ ]

According to Gallup, 22% named Barack Obama as most admired man while 15% named Donald Trump. To make matters worse, Hillary Clinton, whom he often disparaged, is the most admired woman. It can only be salt rubbed into the wound when he is reminded that this is the 9th time Obama has won and the 21st time for Clinton.

Trump, of course, enters the White House as the most unpopular President-elect in history.

Trump reacted violently to Obama’s claim that he could have won a third term, but this latest news doesn’t do anything for Trump’s argument.
Given all the facts, Obama probably would have won.

It is true, as Gallup says, incumbents usually win, that “in the 70 times Gallup has asked the question, the president has won 58 times,” but this is a president who has only gotten more popular as his second term nears its end despite all the dirt the GOP could throw at him for eight years.

Trump’s win in 2016 was not a rejection of Barack Obama, but rather the result of an absence of Barack Obama.

Perhaps the worst blow of all for Trump is that Democrats like Obama more than Republicans like Trump: “Fifty percent of Democrats named Obama as most admired, compared with 34% of Republicans choosing Trump.”

That’s got to hurt a man who announced the day after Christmas, as though Christ arisen, “The world was gloomy before I won.”

It is true that the Religious Right anointed Trump as their messiah, but there is no messianic fervor to welcome him into the White House.

In the end, Trump wants what he has not earned: respect. President Obama, on the other hand, has earned every ounce of respect he has received, and then some.

Trump has often been the butt of Obama’s jokes. Now he can sit his butt on his golden toilet, smartphone in hand, and do what he does best: whine, while a real president takes the accolades that are his due.