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12/23/16 12:13 PM

#116885 RE: eddy2 #116884

Call it what you want...

It's still putting make-up on a pig as far as I'm concerned.

When you (meaning I) owned over 10% of all shares that existed (w/the exception of prefered shares) but now only own a miniscule amount of what existed prior....

Let's just call it what it is....

A good old fashioned railroading.

But that's cool, I'm a man, I can take it, no biggie.

After all, that which does not kill you, truely does now only serve to make you stronger.

Just like I tell my kid about his jiu-jitsu tournaments...

There is no winning or losing in the arena. There is only winning and the opportunity to learn.

(By the way, you can check him out on YouTube @ Aeric Amerel and be sure to subscribe. THNX)
