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12/19/16 2:10 PM

#371897 RE: big-yank #371871

apples and oranges although likely same outcome

the power of pardon is a constitutional power - it is clear in the constitution and has 200 years of history

the PATCO controllers had no legislative protection where the director FHFA has legislative protection similar to that of the FBI director in that they are appointed by contract until a specified end date

now - they can both be fired for CAUSE after so argued and demonstrated before the end date

how that is done - I do not know but yes - the conservator yielding an insane amount of money via the NWS has not carried out their responsibilities in a fiduciary fashion


12/19/16 2:33 PM

#371907 RE: big-yank #371871

"Facts? Sure. In 1981, President Ronald Reagan fired 11,000 air traffic controllers as he threatened to do when they went on strike. He then executed his threat and terminated all of them. "

Exactly. You are equating an elected position to an air traffic controller. Thank you for outlining your misperception of the procedure behind Watt's position. Your example here is off topic, at best.

"Previously, President Richard M. Nixon terminated Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox who was investigating Nixon's involvement in the Watergate scandal. "

Special Prosecutors report to the Attorney General who reports directly to the President of the United States. Again, off topic as we are discussing Watt's position, which does NOT report to the President in any way.

"Being the President of the United States grants great power and very special privileges."

Very true...just not the power or privileges you think it does.

"Trump can fire Watt for failing to implement DTS provisions clearly spelled out in HERA that have gone unmet and unfulfilled since 2008 when the law was enacted by Congress and signed by then President George W. Bush. That remains my position."

Still a false position. Watt was elected by Congress. Trump can not unilaterally change Congresses election choice. Watt does not report to the Executive Office in any fashion. Therefore, Trump can not fire Watt. What you are saying is akin to the CEO of Apple firing a Director of Google.