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12/12/16 11:48 AM

#930 RE: ntbiotech #929

Nice find!

Fortune AND MGM publicity, and VG on Android early 2017.
Looking like with game play facts from previous poster included, we are looking good for .10-.45 stock price bounce. I am going to buy some more TAPM. My stock price is just guessimate.

Wish we had got Android players during the holiday season.
We do good maybe MGM likes us? And, will foot the bill for more
of their characters on TAPM VGs? Like that MGM went for a casino type floor scenario and this might mean they are thinking more to mobile pay-to-play and how to get new customers thereby.

This is real impressive to have fortune artl. notice . . . and maybe some new investors see our potential.

TAPM should go to Indie VG developers conference and show their stuff, and talk around and look to partner up on new and new talent. it would be low-cost source for unique mobile gaming and perhaps work on a VR game using some of the cheaper headset set-ups alike Google Cardboard that uses glasses box holding your phone as the viewer screen?