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seek the light

12/21/16 2:04 PM

#193 RE: seek the light #191

This is one of the most unique opportunities I have ever come across. I say that because it is cutting edge of IIOT products. Does custom engineering of products that produce huge savings for the Fortune 500 type companies who they work for. Once they have a product accepted by the client [who helps pay the development costs of that product] , MMTIF files for a patent and then licenses it to the users choice of manufacturer of the product and collects a royalty on each unit.

This model lets them operate with a very small overhead and staff as opposed to most companies. Once the revenue starts flowing is early 2017, the gross profit and net profit margins will be very high , and I would think this .21 cent a share company will be paying dividends of in excess of that .21 cents by the end of 2017.

All JMO. and looking for obscene profits and yield return to arrive shortly.

There is Tax Loss selling now that will end in a few days. Take advantage.

Merry Christmas to everyone.