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12/09/16 12:21 PM

#104364 RE: SittingPretty #104356

Clay may divorce himself from the marriage loyalties in the 'BAYP' changes as he meets others in the same field

He's had since 2012 to meet the other scammers in the Microcrap scam field. Did ya know they even hold seminars on how to scam the market (e.g. arrange for convertible debt notes)?

gotta admit, just like Bill Gates trying once and succeeding

Except Gates had a real product, read investment backing, and a real IPO on a major exchange. He only had to try once.

Clowns like Clay are trying any scam pump angle that allows him to repetitively sell enough debt notes for cash to live on. Yes, he probably has the passion to find some scam angle that will give him a good payday. He seems to also have the same lameness as Porter.