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Frayed Knot

12/07/16 1:28 PM

#90098 RE: Dave Smith01 #90096

The TV's are just a prop just like the cell phones are/were.

I couldn't agree more Dave! SSDD... as the expression goes.

Just so curious why there hasn't been a grand announcement of the AMAZING deal that Petey did with SECT....

I think it is great when Petey can do business with himself..

heck no one else will do business with him so he doesn't have a choice!




12/07/16 2:55 PM

#90100 RE: Dave Smith01 #90096

Or it could be his new scam and dilution vehicle.

Hop-On must have seriously went afoul of California regulators, because Hop-On still has a forfeited business license, and is not authorized to conduct business anymore.

Maybe it was those that let the Cali secretary of state/Franchise Tax Board know how Hop-On created a new corporation (same as the old one, though). HPNN did this to avoid filing back-tax returns for the many, many years that the original Hop-On was forfeited and had no business license.

If the CEO puts out a tweet or PR with any evidence of conducting business, the California Franchise Tax Board should be notified. Until they get their business license revived, they cannot conduct business out of their Cali corporate headquarters (mail drop box).
Conducting business includes making sales, entering into contracts or licensing agreements, or suing someone or getting sued again.