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12/06/16 6:44 PM

#35410 RE: alkalinesolution1 #35402


But they're already on the record doing an actual live test of the technology - they've got it in hand, evidently told QSEP to step aside, and are supposedly integrating it with their pipe before they make a decision.

Wheres the "record" of this live test? They haven't even done the 30 day batched pre-test.

Now the 'step aside'? lol! Kinda like when TCPL 'forced' STWA to stop all China testing and send the AOTee back? If they thought it worked, and the testing worked, why would they 'integrate' it into their line and THEN make a decision on it after spending the cash to do so? 'Decision' implies they could decide not to. *slowly shakes head before facepalm*
They have been quite clear in the filings that testing has not started, and STWA is looking to find a way forward to the 30 day pre-test.

It's absolutely stunning how black and white facts are ignored in favor of wild baseless speculation in vague and vacuous statements by Beggar.

Where is the money from the original lease? Where is the extension and/or purchase to the lease? Is it not obvious the lease, and therefore the TESTING never even started? Like KMI would violate a legal document such as this lease over a measly $20k/month.

Still no answer as to how SCADA data would be correlated and an actual testing program be completed without integrating it?

Perhaps they run the AOT 'beside' the live pipeline and guess what 'might' possibly happen if oil was actually running through it? Amazing.. any doubt how this sham has survived so long?

In other words it would make little sense for them to order a mobile lab in another location and demand an even stricter NDA. Right?

Especially after they sent oil samples to Tao's lightning lab after the first 2 failures right?

Unless they have crude interests up there and want to test viscosity reduction effect on something other than condensate.

I wonder if KMI ships crude... hmmm.. how would one research something so daunting like a fact like that?



12/06/16 6:45 PM

#35411 RE: alkalinesolution1 #35402

Agree Alk.

Too many 'tea leaves'!!

Hopefully 2017 will bring more