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12/06/16 12:20 PM

#85233 RE: DarkPool #85231

Jorge doesn't bring anything to the table, he's the Ex SUTI CEO or puppet man for EV. Jorge had no CEO powers, Jorge was nothing but a puppet for EV. Jorge couldn't release a PR without EV signing off on PR. All Jorge did was help EV sell more shares and screw shareholders.


12/10/16 9:17 AM

#85243 RE: DarkPool #85231

Yes, I would have brought in a huge MJ player of the whole West coast now that Cali is legal but eddie lied when he said he secured $1.2 Million in working capital for SUTI. can't bring in business partners when you don't have any skin in the game. He did it with Davyd Field when he couldn't pay for that great LUXURIANT website they designed. He couldn't renew a $10 Web domain site. How could I work with such eneptness. Eddie wasted my time.