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12/04/16 4:46 PM

#127651 RE: arvitar #127649

Your claim of lack of independent verification of NNVC technology continues to be completely false, as pointed out here:

Yes, the 4 authors of that abstract are clinician scientists (3 of them independent) who made public statements / publication supporting the claims of efficacy of nanoviricides in animals.

Likewise with the USAMRIID scientists, Drs. C. E. Scully, C. M. Lear, and Gene Olinger, presented their poster: "POLYMERIC MICELLE NANOMATERIALS AS ANTIVIRAL COMPOUNDS FOR EBOLA VIRUS INFECTION" as independent scientists.

Since funding is important to some, here is the acknowledgment from the poster, "Funding Acknowledgement: The research described herein was sponsored by the DTRA Therapeutics Intramural Project: 4.10007_08_RD_B Dr. Erin Reichert-Senior S&T Manager, Therapeutics Chem/Bio Technologies Directorate."

The repeated claim that no independent scientist ever gave even a single instance supporting Dr. Seymour's claims is shown to be clearly false.

Numerous scientists have studied the nanoviricide compounds and reported on them independently from NNVC. This is a fact.