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12/05/16 11:31 AM

#55258 RE: Figures #55256

'Figures'? Figures!, it's the tobacco replacement! So Chong had better get on the ball! Because the industry is about to explode with or with out him!

So the longer Chong/FFFC waits the more competition is being allowed to catch up and leave him behind!

He's all ready competing with Snoop Dog's products!

whoopi Goldberg is also coming out with her line of products!

So if chong keeps screwing around, they'll be yanking the carpet out from under him!

What sucks is that Chong has a head-start over them!

I was following chong's product lines and he has some interesting money makers lines up for his release date!

But whether or not he ever gets around to finally releasing it is yet another topic.

but if he actually does, say bye bye to the current stock prices.
I expect this to run impressively high and quite quickly, in market terms.