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12/04/16 12:48 AM

#30848 RE: SamLBInj #30845

Nice write Big Sam So was the silver

lining the opportunity for small guys like us to buy that dip the next day.

Ya know the drill money talks

the next day a 40K Day Trade on some miners rose .22 cents and yielded 7K. (Example)

so was I in on the scam too.

Were the regulators in on it too.

Is everybody in on it

Maybe because everybody can get a piece of the action the regulators permit it.

Just saying.......

Take Care

the cork

12/04/16 8:25 PM

#30855 RE: SamLBInj #30845

Great catch SamLBInj. I hope GATA, or any of the impromptu watchdogs have the capacity (and money) to force the issue in court. Too damn bad the legitimate watchdogs won't do their job.

In response to the demand contagion Italy represents, note the suppression in the gold price as the market opens. Predictable as a morning fart.