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12/03/16 6:40 PM

#127612 RE: Nanotoday #127611

Another Seymour lie is about how clinical trials will magically go faster for his drugs because of the nature of the disease being short.


"Overall, nanomedicines may present additional development and regulatory considerations compared with conventional medicines....there is no doubt that the field of nanomedicine is still at its early stage, with success stories few and far apart. Most nanomedicine research, while exciting and technically advanced, is in early stages of development and is only slowly being translated into clinical trials and medical practice."


12/03/16 6:41 PM

#127613 RE: Nanotoday #127611

"Although small-scale processes may achieve reproducibility with well characterized components, once beyond the early prototype, the reproducibility and consistency of the constructs remain a constant challenge for the scale-up and manufacturing process..."

Sound familiar????? And why should anybody believe NNVC is special -- because of the "early prototype" the National Institute of Health warns about relying on?


12/03/16 7:38 PM

#127617 RE: Nanotoday #127611

It could be in next years CEO letter.