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12/04/16 2:45 PM

#40265 RE: topdog52 #40264

I wonder where share price would have been today if there was no government intervention that banned me as CEO of the public entity.

So Kenny actually posted/tweeted that? ROTFLMAO!

He's admitting it was a scam. Else he would be too busy trying to bring it to the market through his private company.

Kenny's big plan was to pump this scam, and if successful dump his stock, and make money off his toxic debt notes. Now the poor little fella is lamenting about the outcome - he never got a chance to P&D to scam the Microcrap market.

I made good money here. But it could of been a lot more.

No doubt if one bought at 0005, sold at 0012, getting out before it crashed back down made money. Of course those who believed Kenny's pumps, and bought at 0012 got screwed.

Its a shame he got banned for something that had nothing to do with this company!!

As opposed to pulling the same crap with MNZO, while running a scam?

It hurt a lot of shareholders.

It's called Natural Selection. LOL Investing in a scam like MNZO, not knowing the Microcrap market is just a game of chicken musical chair trading, is likely to lead to pain.

Lacto Freedom will do well.

No it won't. Unless the FDA is brain dead they will never approve a bacteria containing a human gene being released, without clinical/safety trials.

Kenny had the option of producing a generic lactobacilli product. Sell a few bottles, while pumping MNZO. How to pay for a few bottles sold on Amazon? Dump stock, and have retail buying the stock, essentially pay for it. Now poor Kenny has no way to fund his scam product. So he sits there, and cries on the Internet.


12/09/16 12:32 AM

#40278 RE: topdog52 #40264

Yes, everyone made big money on this charade...right?
MNZO will never hit .0001.