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12/03/16 7:36 AM

#107429 RE: challe08 #107428

I really hope that we will get a clear picture of the whole "package" now!

Something that we can make fair calculations on.

Good feeling now, maybe we can keep the momentum up coming weeks.

The Swede

12/03/16 9:01 AM

#107430 RE: challe08 #107428

I understand, you want more. We just had different expectations of how much would be handed out in the two IPO's.
I was hoping to keep a total sum of close to 50% of the Aqua business with my new Triway shares and the and the shares kept in SIAF. But 37% is still really good considering the situation we are in.

But to expect SIAF to acquire the whole IPO for the Hong Kong listing? Hello, you suddenly don't want that listing to be successful do you?