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12/03/16 6:18 AM

#103433 RE: jimbosskow #103432

Of course my intention is not to scare anyone, I just scared myself to see how the price has fallen 60% so fast.
I happen something similar in ngbl, when it enters to 0.01 and in a month I reach 0.0001
It was a tragedy.
I'm afraid the same thing happens here, it takes the same path as ngbl.
And above the phot directive does not help at all.
Income continues to fall.
And lastly, the headquarters is not located where Marco said.
This last put nervous to several of my represented.
Of course they do trading besides interpreting the graph.
In fact I put several recently, pointing out the key areas.
Luck to all and I hope you understand me, I live in Spain and I find it hard to know anything about phot

hokus pokus

12/03/16 6:32 AM

#103434 RE: jimbosskow #103432

Yes there are groups ;but we all crave honest information to make an intelligent decision as to which way we approach our interests .
This PHOT venture has been deceptive from the beginning and needs to clean it's image ,if it wants honest investors for the LONG haul -doesn't seem to be their objective . Modern financing (especially in the MJ
plagued spectrum ) involves a lot of smoke and mirrors. PHOT has exceeded it's share of deception while claiming "be patient and we are transparent". The listing on THE BOARD has PHOT located on possibly the 4th floor (by address) That puts them as part of the ?? REGIS GROUP ??
I looked up this group -it is an International wheeling and dealing group
that provides "Virtual Offices " and space when needed for meetings etc
That in itself is not that bad for finances ---unless misused by a company to just create a FALSE image of a concrete stability (office )
PHOT has divested itself of ALL brick and morter - sort of like a
a snake oil wagon moving through your town. REGIS is all over the world
and thus gives international reach ;if PHOT can stay around that long
INTERNATIONAL DEALS ) Within the REGIS Group(in this building) ,there is LEADING EDGE LLC
(a private group of consultants that rent space to make a PRESENCE.-
probably for local contracts =Seattle is a "happening City" PHOT ?MAY BE
a PART in that group (They are conveniently from SAN BRUNO CA - Right
where MH moved up from ) The question is not the MODERN WAY OF TECHNOLOGICAL OFFICING ;but rather if this will help PHOT survive ?
There are a LOT of fallen victims in the SILICON VALLEY ,while the promoters got out clean and made their money while they promoted .
The CHOICE IS YOURS - Do you feel that MH is promoting the LONG survival
of your investment or just milking it (SHORT ) while he can -it's a way of life in the SILICON Valley