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12/02/16 11:53 PM

#112445 RE: Elroy Jetson #112444

Damn, Trump lies about everything.

I wonder if the Deplorables who voted for him would tolerate that level of mendacity in a spouse, a child, an employee, a friend. He said in his speech last night he did great among African Americans. He received 8% of the African American vote. That is the lowest amount for a Republican when his opponent was white in history. He said he did better with Hispanics than any Republican in recent history. John McCain (thirty one percent) and George Walker Bush (forty four percent) did better. He said he won in a landslide. He lost the popular vote by more than 2,500,000 votes and won the crucial states of MI, WI, and PA by less than one percent.

He lies about everything and the gullible Deplorables believe him.

Oh, spare me your outrage about calling his supporters Deplorables. Adolf Hitler's National Socialist party won a bare plurality in the 1933 German federal elections. That was their last free election in a while. The voters that gave him and his party a plurality were deplorable. The voters that gave Trump his Electoral College win are deplorable. They don't get a pass because they are American. In fact they are arguably worse. The Weimar Republic was a mess. They were a defeated people, inflation was rampant, and institutions were failing. That was not 2016 America.