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Old Tymer

12/03/16 3:30 PM

#47843 RE: RookieStockPicker #47803

The reason it's listed as a foreign stock...

If a company is doing business outside of it's state of formation (domicile), it has to register as a 'foreign stock.' That doesn't mean it's from a foreign county:

I have a suggestion for you and others. This link took me about 15 seconds to find on GOOGLE. You are aware of GOOGLE, right? I see so many questions asked, when all they have to do to get the answer is go to Google and type in a phrase of whatever it is you're looking for.

In this case: "company registered as a foreign company." You can type in any number of variations. Instead of sitting there waiting for someone to answer your question, why don't you just go to GOOGLE? I don't understand.