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12/01/16 3:12 PM

#13955 RE: brooklyn13 #13954

["You saw this, right:\?

"DNSY is in a competitive sector, but if they continue to improve their balance sheet, the company could see a huge increase in their stock."

This is a classic paid-for pump, I can't understand what you're not understanding. No matter, maybe we can move onto the next thing, like, is the cost of using MPE decreasing for customers?"]

Yes, that's EXACTLY what I saw. So I'm not missing anything (unless you are, haha).

This really doesn't look like an IR effort let alone a paid one. By your count anyone writing any sliver of text about any company is in the IR business, apparently.

By that count I'm in the IR business as well, haha. Good to know, I should start charging :)