With 'Disable Embedded Image' turned off, i am still able to see images in other users signature. I know that a week or so back, that was not the case...with images disablled, all embedded images were disabled.
Why is it that when I click on the link I get thrown into a non-paying status. I have to close my browser and log into ihub again to have my paying member status restored?
Matt, I sent you a PM about a week ago on this subject, but I'm sure you get inundated.
I am concerned about a particular poster's continuing personal attacks against skeptics who post non-personal questions and verifiable information on the CSHD board.
"In essence, a personal attack is attacking a person, rather than a person's ideas. The written word provides wide latitude for the most fervent of debates: efforts to short-cut the debate process by attempting to discredit or disparage a person rather than a person's ideas usually fall into the personal attack category."
Would you mind taking a look at these posts among others, and perhaps speaking with the poster in question if you feel it's warranted. I'm seriously bothered by the repeating of libelous remarks against myself. Thanks... Peter