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11/30/16 6:34 AM

#262388 RE: fuagf #262383

Advice From Psychologists On Raising Kids Well In Trump’s America

North Carolina resident Shadi Sadi holds his 5-year-old daughter Saja while watching the news at home on the morning after the election.
We spoke to the experts about parenting in a time of turbulence.
11/29/2016 Updated November 29, 2016 [with comments]


(linked in): and preceding and following and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following)


10/21/17 12:27 AM

#273960 RE: fuagf #262383

These Are The Three Richard Spencer Fans Arrested For Attempted Homicide In Gainesville

"There's Been An 'Outbreak' Of Nearly 900 Hate Incidents Since Trump's Win"

They are all active white supremacists; two of them are violent felons.

By Jessica Schulberg, Christopher Mathias, and Luke O’Brien
Gainesville Police Department

10/20/2017 10:04 pm ET

GAINESVILLE, Fla. ? About five hours before his companion allegedly fired a bullet toward several protesters, and a day before police charged him with attempted homicide, Colton Fears, in an interview with HuffPost, laid out the grievances that had brought him to town. “Basically, I’m just fed up with the fact that I’m cis-gendered, I’m a white male, and I lean right, towards the Republican side,” said Fears, 28, wearing a pin of the 3rd SS Panzer Division Totenkopf of the Waffen-SS. “And I get demonized if I don’t accept certain things.”


Inside what happened at the Charlottesville protests

ABC News
Published on Aug 15, 2017

A white supremacist saying he's ready to die for his convictions and a political activist saying he's exposing evil were at an event that ended with one woman dead and at least 19 injured.


White nationalist protesters in Charlottesville "had a permit. The other group didn’t have a permit."
— Donald Trump on Tuesday, August 15th, 2017 in a question-and-answer session with reporters


Our ruling

Trump said that white nationalist protesters in Charlottesville "had a permit. The other group didn’t have a permit."

In reality, both the Unite the Right marchers and the counter-protesters had official permission to assemble on Saturday, either from a court or from the city. If Trump meant to refer to the Friday night march, then neither side would have needed a permit to assemble. And if he did mean Friday night’s march, then he is seriously distorting the torch-light march by saying participants were "protesting very quietly."

We rate the statement Pants on Fire.

See also:

Yale Historian Timothy Snyder on How the U.S. Can Avoid Sliding into Authoritarianism