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11/29/16 3:01 PM

#76663 RE: jetpilot1101 #76662

What a plot for a movie.

I know it hurts but I have to laugh.

Defame Les??? If I were him I would be constantly looking over my shoulder.

I think the term is Hutzpa (looking for spelling help).


11/29/16 3:01 PM

#76664 RE: jetpilot1101 #76662

Slimeball, forger and thief Leslie Price sues MDMN for DEFAMATION?!?

That is the FUNNIEST thing I've ever read in this forum.

Let's see, the guy was stripped of his chartered accountancy license because he was a danger to the public, was sanctioned and prohibited to serve as an officer/director of Canadian public companies for at least two stock price schemes, barely beat a bribery charge in the US, stole/forged money/documents from two widows, and is the most-likely culprit behind our "missing" 1.5 billion shares.

How can one defame a lying, cheating, forging, defrocked, scumbag alcoholic with horrific taste in attire?

This is great.


11/29/16 5:19 PM

#76668 RE: jetpilot1101 #76662

If past history is any indication of what will follow....the past unresolved litigation helps to clear my mind and remind me of what a fool of an investor I have been.


11/29/16 10:53 PM

#76671 RE: jetpilot1101 #76662

I think its called... muddying the water...??? or something like that... MDMN will be tangled in this for years... IMHO... but Auryn and the mountain... continue to march on... still looking for .003 or lower shares... just have to wait and see...