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01/23/17 6:49 PM

#178 RE: miketrav69 #177

Mike, I think ultimately Avita will be acquired for a price that is fractional to it's overall potential value. Maybe somewhere around $8 a share. They have gotten incredibly far even at this point all things considered. We have very good and dedicated management. I trust and respect Tim Rooney in particular. To really end up in the stratosphere of a world changing product would require a revamp of some sort in every aspect of the business. You need to see investment and financial support come in from a top firm or firms, someone like a Baker Brothers. We need to have board of directors changes that place seasoned players from the medical and pharma field, and something similar for the three letter jobs, and then it will trickle down.

It's a precarious situation. Ultimately you just have to push for the company to do what is best for ReCell and Avita. Avoid having a chairman be afraid to pick a board member who is a higher status than himself or become overwhelmed with national pride and stick some Australian no one has ever heard of before in a position. (hypothetically)

Right now Avita is an underdog with an incredible product.


04/28/17 11:26 AM

#183 RE: miketrav69 #177

Still holding shares?