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11/26/16 9:10 PM


FLCR has great new plans! Huge PR coming. New funding coming as well

New Business Plan and Direction

Our new business plan is to create a “recipe for success” incorporating our new mission statement:

FullCircle Registry, Inc.’s, mission is to develop a more lucrative model for dine-in cinema that uniquely fits our urban market setting, offering comfortable recliner seating, international cuisine as well as popular food menu selections and film scheduling that caters to our diverse community – but without the high overhead cost of full kitchen service and in-theater wait staff.

We have actively begun our transition to this new business model and will be announcing our progress through PR newswire releases.

Funding for Theater Improvements and Operating Capital

The Company is preparing to raise funding that will be allocated specifically for theater improvements. These planned uses will be targeted to increasing revenue from increased attendance and food concessions sales.


11/27/16 12:48 AM


Snoop6...You are spot on re; the tight float...I currently believe that the number is much greater than that due to the new management and shares issued to them .Keep in mind that the managecment has a huge amount of skin in the game will not let the business plan fall to the wayside...This sub-penny gem is an investment..where can you find a sub-penny stock that is fully SEC compliant...this means that it is on the up and up with no BS fluff and pump...I knew Norm very well and his goal was .25 in one or two years. You will come to see that the new CEO,Jon Findley, is a very competent man that knows the ins and outs of the local Indianappoliss political scene