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11/26/16 10:47 AM

#262160 RE: SilverSurfer #262159

SilverSurfer: You must really work hard to come up with all your bull shit. Take a few day's off and get your head right. Well, as right as any dumb ass Republican can get. Which is not much.
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11/26/16 11:00 AM

#262161 RE: SilverSurfer #262159

SilverSurfer -- where, of course, ZeroHedge itself is and long has been a leading both major source and major repeater of fake news -- including in particular but without limitation, of Russian propaganda ,

and as has been and continues to be documented here, definitively and exhaustively, it is a fact that racism and xenophobia (and other endearing ignorant hatreds and biases) run very deep in our in fact very deeply Christo-fascist right -- notwithstanding your or anyone else's (increasingly, as it all comes more and more out into the open under your and our upcoming Orange Führer) ludicrous trolling to the contrary

(linked in): and preceding and following and preceding and (upcoming) following
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11/26/16 12:16 PM

#262163 RE: SilverSurfer #262159

you squeal just like a well fed pig
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janice shell

11/26/16 2:56 PM

#262168 RE: SilverSurfer #262159

Add another conspiracy site to your favorites: ZeroHedge. Why, exactly, do you think that junk is "truthier" than publications staffed by professionals who actually know what journalism is?

Sure, the editorial boards of nearly all the press--including papers that had never endorsed a Democrat--endorsed Hillary. But that was merely because they aren't crazy.
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11/26/16 3:10 PM

#262171 RE: SilverSurfer #262159

Gosh that is really really stupid ... I read Janice's posts ... not much yours I read this one of yours due to her comment . .my god my brother ! ..... think about what she says's no wonder you're nuts .. .spending all day long in bed with Bill and another half day ... now I understand .. you're really nuts!

Stop it and Save yourself
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11/26/16 3:33 PM

#262182 RE: SilverSurfer #262159

hookrider, when the left calls names, like racist and alt... pointing the finger - guilty of what they call.

You should really stop harping on that crap. If Trump didn't act like a racist and a bigot then the left would have nothing to name call about.

Now tell me just how stupid are you?

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11/26/16 6:22 PM

#262207 RE: SilverSurfer #262159

SilverSurfer, Roberts ignores free advertising the MSM gave to Trump in pursuit of profit for themselves .. $2 billion estimated by some .. ..
it's obvious why he ignores all that as it would (does) totally destroy his bs conspiracy theory marking the MSM as just part of the establishment and so totally pro-Clinton.


Leslie Moonves, the chief executive of CBS and a man whose 2015 compensation totaled $56.8m, had this to say about the Trump campaign. “It may not be good for America, but
it’s damn good for CBS. The money’s rolling in and this is fun … this [is] going to be a very good year for us. Sorry. It’s a terrible thing to say. But bring it on, Donald. Keep going.”

Add to other comments which picture you about right, your " Fake News = Much of MSM." .. really does suggest you are captive of the Alex Jones et al conspirathon.