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11/26/16 12:00 AM

#262140 RE: F6 #262131

For Mike Yenni, sexting scandal reignites powerful political family's deep-rooted drama

BY CHAD CALDER | Oct 17, 2016 - 7:45 pm (27)

The news that Jefferson Parish President Mike Yenni was being investigated for sending sexually explicit text messages to a 17-year-old boy has set off a wave of calls from the local political establishment for his resignation and a petition to try to throw him out of office.

But the fallout also has reopened old wounds among members of a storied Jefferson Parish political family, one whose name rests atop a local stadium and the East Bank governmental building but now risks being permanently associated with scandal.

Susan Yenni, who is Mike Yenni’s aunt and the widow of former Parish President Michael J. Yenni, said the controversy embroiling her nephew is dragging the good name of her husband and her father-in-law Joseph Yenni — not to mention that of her own son, Michael Jr. — through the mud.

She did not necessarily anticipate the particular allegations Yenni faces, but she said she knew the man she has always felt to be selfish, manipulative and dishonest would end up in trouble somehow.


Susan is also angry about Yenni changing his surname from "Maunoir to Yenni in 1998", and
believes he is gay. She is at odds with the rest of his family on just about everything about him.


What Mike Yenni had to say about lie detector test, why he took it, why tester's hire was no scandal

Yenni: Results of lie detector test showed he wasn't gay, had not been unfaithful to his now-wife

BY RAMON ANTONIO VARGAS | Nov 25, 2016 - 6:30 pm


Yenni also for the first time confronted — and dismissed — the suspicion that he ensured the result of the test by offering a reward to the man who administered it.

That man, Ronnie Lauland, a former New Orleans Police Department officer who confirmed that Yenni passed the test, later ended up with a job in Kenner city government while Yenni was serving as mayor.

Lauland said Yenni had nothing to do with his hiring. He said he was in need of work and simply applied for a position he saw advertised online, winning the job after doing well in a written exam.