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11/24/16 1:36 AM

#346266 RE: cowtown jay #346265

"another $2.5 million"

Which the SEC will most likely keep, and to the extent they don't, none of it is going to anyone who is nott on the restitution list.

Which means recidivist letter-writer to DaCourts, Jay Booth, won't be getting a penny of it in any case - as dat name iznt on the restitution list. Whoops-oops!!!

AND, which is another example that there are no 'naked shorts' who were responsible for the SPNGQ scam. This disgorgement comes from a Moskowitz neighbor/friend who gott the shares directly from the company via Moskowitz's and Metter's RME. Transferred IMMEDIATELY upon issuance via RME - owned and controlled by Mosky - the same Mosky who, as CFO, had to pre-approve the issuance and instruct the TA.

So much for the boolsheet conspiracy theorists.

So much for 'potentially life-saving medical procedures'.

LOL!!! Happy Thanksgiving!

Texas morphine