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11/22/16 8:31 PM

#30093 RE: moxa1 #30092

There might be a silver lining to this. Obama cannot pardon her if she isn't charged with anything. Thus, she will be open to investigation and charges after Trump is sworn in, at least theoretically.

I'd love to see this be all a set up and trump had this put out there then go after her later.

OK, I know i should stop dreaming.
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11/22/16 10:01 PM

#30095 RE: moxa1 #30092

That's really a very wise move. Trump knows what's coming down (
) and it will be the new FBI appointee that goes after Hillery and co.
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11/23/16 3:58 PM

#30102 RE: moxa1 #30092

OR Trump is going to NOT prosecute hillary but will go after clinton foundation and thinking more than likely she will get caught up in that foundation mess

actually I got to thinking for a minute

how to make this a win win win deal for Trump

win points with democrats by saying to not going after her personally and look like a humanitarian

second, clinton gets caught up in the scandal of the foundation and NO she will not escape that inquiry and possible jail time, and third will be able to literally GUT the foundation of all its past money and ill gotten booty via fines and fees and all other types of recovery means which will in a left handed way satisfy his compaign promise after all what or how does it matter that she goes down as long as she does which btw she has already used her 1 get out jail free card so that will mute the whining coming from the democrats after all she cant be pardoned for life for everything.....

and last, that will ensure that there is no way a old sick clinton will ever enter politics in a meaningfull way as it will take WAY to long to begin to rebuild the influnce peddling it takes to keep her afloat

as a caveat, I would also get a federal conviction in a plea deal from Chelsea with no time to be served and a little fine to be paid but the conviction ensure the clinton name will be out of poltics for a LONG LONG TIME

all my conjecture