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07/31/03 4:59 AM

#6511 RE: Justin C #6508

"There is no way I can go thru a shop with the tedious, thorough approach of a woman."

LOL... me either, Justin... One of the many reasons I would not want to travel with one. My biggest shortcoming is having to make a pit stop within the first hour into the trip. After that I'm fine though I do like to stop every two hours to at least stretch. I get very stiff too soon these days.

Before I had this crazy commute, I used to love long road trips. Probably comes from my father piling us into the station wagon and hauling us out to IL every other year. One of the reasons I know how to behave in a car... i.e. I can be quiet. <ggg> It is also where I got my habit of reading license plates. I amuse myself on the way to work by trying to make up phrases to the letters I see.

I have friends in Michigan and Chicago. Used to drive from Manhattan to Chicago in a day by myself. Toward the end of those trips I'd stop about every three to four hours. Think it took about 16.

If I were doing the scenic tour, I'd want a back up driver so I could truly stare out the window. Would have to be somebody who was a damn good driver. I know I'm not the best but I am a hell of a lot better than most... avoided a number of close calls precipitated by boneheads or bad machinery.

"Copacetic"... a word I've always associated with the musicians (big band and such) of my parents' era. I like the sound and sight of it. Sounds like its meaning. Far more elegant than all is cool. <ggg>

wORk (that's work with the Maynard G. Krebs inflection... he's my hero) is about to get overwhelming... at least according to my boss. I don't see it that way unless I get hit with the kind of snafus that struck over the past two weeks. But I will play the "yeah this is brutal but we did it" game. Am hoping to get a telecommute day or two out of it... the old "I need to be at home to concentrate thing."

Actually that is true. I tend to put in close to 9 full hours if I'm in the house. No distractions and no stinking drive. I still get up at 4:00 but I have more time to play before I set up the laptop. I feel guilty if I don't plug away for most of the time and the quiet is far more conducive to coding.

Have a good one, Man of Leisure. :-)

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07/31/03 9:25 PM

#6520 RE: Justin C #6508

Good ol' Ima Hogg. All Texans learn about her in Junior High. Hard to believe parents could be that cruel.
