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11/21/16 8:31 PM

#103224 RE: PRmaniac #103223

The talk politically now is that the new administration is appointing people who are generally from Tobacco minded states (that includes Pence)
They are talking about decreasing regulations . That will temporarily potentially increase tobacco $$. When the amt of money that MJ produces
in sales etc meets the amt of money the tobacco industry is loosing ;they will make their big move to to take over -they're geared for that level and need it to support their network. The question is what companies can hang on that long and who is positioned to be a worthwhile takeover ?
PHOT certainly is not attractive right now -their history and present $
is atrocious . The board of PHOT has certainly showed no interest in protecting shareholders outside their inner circle . The officers however have positioned themselves as KNOWLEDGEABLE ???? in a component of the business .They have HYPED this the whole time-I wouldn't be surprised to see them work themselves into being hired by a large corporate takeover ,while still screwing the common shareholder. There expertise is Questionable ,at best ;but ,the longer they are around gives them more PERSONAL connections,and fits into their PERSONAL GOALS -while using the shareholders selfishly to support their trip.