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11/17/16 7:09 PM

#41966 RE: Pasta #41964

On that dog walking Pasta, we got a Prized Purebred with a tendency to leave Shovel ready projects!

Prized Purebred Shovel ready

There's our PPS. You know as share holders we just got shit to deal with every now and then.

To our Germanic Brothers. Heir ist etwas los:

Alway Respectfully Pasta, just can't pass up these opportunities.

Today ain't a bad gaming, but it was a fairly low volume bail out. I'm on the side that it was contrived to cover the higher stakes on a the deliver date of a SHORT TERM BORROW.

Here's the day trader graph for today:[/quote]

[/quote]Interactive Brokers is showing us down to 40k & Link right _f___king now.

That may change by the time you check it.

My point Handsome, there's plenty of room to game us and make some money on the wild side of Investment Brokers and the darkside SHORT TERM EXCHANGE managed by the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC).

Their BS line for valued offering is they filter out the weak players with due diligence. Mularky abound or my F_ing aSSets.

We've been a guarenteed bet of govt provided income since 2012. Short TERM borrows welfare program.

Somebody had a three week borrow to cover today and damned sure if they didn't cover it. Probably made more money than a pig could shit. Been looking for both the pig that could shit cash and that gold egg laying goose for a while now.

Just don't what one of those species APDN lies in.

Always Respectfully and in High Regards
Mike Sharkey