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08/14/06 11:00 PM

#1986 RE: midas716 #1985


that said, i will tell you another reason for the fading interest in the stock and that was the fading interest in bird flu, bird flu is just what it is, a flu, just like any other flu, it has it's cycles and high flare up points just like any other flu, this is not flu season, anyone know when flu season starts?, thats when you want to start looking at this one again, i read an article on the waning bird flu interest that stated that bird flu does not thrive in the summer, look for this one to haet up when the first bird flu reports start making the papers again, notice there haven't been any lately, another factor is the push from deterrence to vaccines or treatments, i believe deterrence will still be a factor, so don't write off this one yet, look for another spike around late sept or early oct, i took a look at the balance sheet for may 27, nothing really impressive to post,

TA - macd steadily moving up against the trend towards 0, alot of people were calling this a P+D at the time after the spike, i'm not so sure, i see alot of P+D accum levels fall below that of pre spike levels, this one although dropped alot is still higher than pre spike level, M/F has been up and down for a while, theres really not alot of accurate data to go on especially combined with those bad PR's, without the PR's who knows what would have happened so the data is skewed negatively, this is really not one i want to focus on right now but someone asked so i responded, plenty of fundamentals to read through if you are interested, keeping on watch for now
