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08/14/06 7:44 PM

#3063 RE: Matteroftime #3062

why not try and give an accurate picture of what is really happening so investors are not angry and pissed off later


08/14/06 8:22 PM

#3066 RE: Matteroftime #3062

Well said, though midas would obviously rather shoot us for being optimistic. His 'oneupmanship' 'smarterthanthou just doesn't know when to quit. Doesn't matter if he MAY be right, nobody likes pessimism.

Intelligent people know this, and for that reason, most intelligent people refrain from saying anything, if they have nothing good to say. But no, midas basks in being correct about negative forecasts. His mentality amazes me, when it could be put in other areas more profitably.

It would literally be ludicrous to believe he still holds a position in W2 when he 'knows' the pps is going down. Since this would contradict intelligence, his forecasts explain, ever so sublety, his goals, since obviously, if he showed optimism, he would never get the cheap shares he is gunning for.

Closing red yet again merely makes me wonder if midas has a hotline to the MMs, but of course, honesty being a hard thing to find these days, I dare say we will ever truly know, though I'm sure he will have an excellent comeback to my mentions thereof.