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Small Time Tina

11/16/16 2:07 PM

#23141 RE: jmb015 #23140

I don't care what the new venture is, we all business partners until I sell. So the sooner they want to tell us the plan the sooner we can start acting like it's the next best thing since the last best thing.
Let's break even$$ (High Five!)


04/26/17 9:21 AM

#23153 RE: jmb015 #23140

Are they ever going to sell this baby to someone that knows what they are doing. It's time they came up with a new game plan and actually did things right. By the way what ever happened to the Muscleshoals guy that hyped this up like it was going somewhere. Did he get scammed or do the scamming?
Seems like a lot of old posters got scammed on this one.


05/08/17 1:11 PM

#23155 RE: jmb015 #23140

jmb015, what are thwy up to now