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11/14/16 9:18 AM

#949 RE: Pan4Au #948

Wrong again pan, nobody but nobody went to jail for the Bre-X, Delgracia, MG-gold and etc. blatant mining scams. Stumbelton is such a nitwit he prolly does not even know it is a scam. How do you prove they were lying? They will show assays from labs and blame the labs. Or unknown persons adulterating the samples. Who? No one knows and it is very likely that it is impossible to prove anything. What can be proven is failure to report material info (all the negative assays that ecpn management ignored)and professional negligence by not bringing in experts to determine exactly what ecpn dirt had 15 years ago or since.


11/14/16 12:47 PM

#950 RE: Pan4Au #948

Pan if lying would get encn management thrown in jail how come they are not in jail. There is a litany of lies from them which are well documented.

July 2, 2013
Upon completion of the cyanide leach testing and certification of the test results they
will be used to update the Major Research Report and given to the investment banker
for the purpose of marketing the property. The certified test results will also be
published on the ECPN website.

August 27, 2013
The company intends to file the Major Research
Report with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

August 28, 2013
5. We expect to have a very positive report on the processing of our
concentrates, including dore bar sales before the middle of September.

September 13, 2013
The long adventure of “the ECPN concentrates” has come to a very successful end.
The concentrates referred to are the approximately 200 tons—reduced at about 10-to-1
from 2,000 tons of head ore—that have been stored for several years at the mine site.
The third time was the charm.
We are pleased to report that, with the support of another technology, the material has
been crushed more finely, the iron has been magnetically separated from the ore, and
the concentrates have undergone further concentration. The effective concentration
from the original head ore has improved tremendously with this technology to
approximately 250-to-1. We will have more information on this within the next 10 days.
These dore bars are the result of ECPN’s utilization of a process that conclusively
proves to the world that ECPN can actually collect precious metals from its ore. Less


11/14/16 3:40 PM

#952 RE: Pan4Au #948

pan, in case you haven't noticed, the market agrees that ista has been right all along


11/14/16 3:46 PM

#953 RE: Pan4Au #948

The highlights of the 10Q out tomorrow will be
dang! you were right again ista, no revenue, more dilution, more excuses
when was it they started mining again???