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11/12/16 5:47 PM

#261261 RE: F6 #261258

this is how it works, you lost because of sorry ideas which produced lousy results but when it comes time to introspect or reassess you instead attack anyone who disagrees with the hypnotic trance from propaganda your echo chamber resonates....

Try this >


11/12/16 5:54 PM

#261262 RE: F6 #261258

The EC was established so the north which was heavily populated would not have a majority rule.

The north's concession was the 3/5ths compromise to give the south "equal" representation.

The EC's roots were based on on counting votes, one man one vote but it certainly wasn't equality.

SilverSurfer just doesn't understand the history of the EC. And I suspect if you tried explaining it he still wouldn't get it.


11/12/16 7:56 PM

#261278 RE: F6 #261258

F6, as you know it needn't take a constitutional amendment to change the EC system as states can tweak it .. also, no amendment needed to change
the 'top in the EC count is the president' result either .. many know Maine and Nebraska have tweaked the system .. lol, this is even more interesting

Towards this end, several bills have been proposed in various states to tweak the elector selection. In most cases, these bills looked to switch to a district system, rather than a winner-take-all. To date, little has come of these, as most who oppose the Electoral College want a nation-wide popular vote system, which on the surface would seem to require a Constitutional Amendment… or would it?

It turns out there is a way around this, too, via the National Popular Vote system. This is a clever proposal in which each state that joins agrees to give all its Electoral College votes to whatever candidate wins the national popular vote, rather than their particular state-level popular vote. In some cases, this may well mean a state’s legislature would go against its own citizen’s popular vote in selecting electors.

Currently 11 states have pledged to this system, for a total of 165 electoral votes. If 105 more electoral votes are pledged (making for a total of 270), the system will take effect and the United States, while still using the Electoral College system, will begin electing its president via electors based on the national popular vote- no Constitutional amendment required.

When you get time how does that whole article read to you? Judging from
that bit that seemingly few are aware of i'm guessing the article is an ok one.