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11/12/16 3:57 PM

#937 RE: Pan4Au #936

putting an idiot like Sarah Palin in charge of any government office should make anyone who's remotely concerned about facts and information shudder.

Have you looked at the price of oil?

Mark my words. New offshore oil in California waters will not be permitted.

The popular vote was not won. Radical changes in environmental policy will not be permitted. Medicare will not be allowed to be privatized.

Oil and gas will not be given the rights to public lands without a fight. These are OUR lands. All of us. We should not give them away so that multi-national corporations can suck out the profits for themselves and leave the taxpayers to pay for the clean up and to deal with the pollution. If the true costs of these industries were actually paid by the businesses rather than the public then oil and coal would not be a business worth entering.

ECPN has yet to prove its worth. Their remediation plan to restore the land has been approved. Their business will not impact the surrounding area in anyway similar to an oil/gas/coal operation. It's about filtering dirt to get metal. A far cry from high impact mining or resource extraction.

The amount of long term sustainable jobs created by oil and gas has been overstated and is significantly less than what the industry claims.


11/13/16 9:35 AM

#940 RE: Pan4Au #936

Pan,The worst thing that could happen to the US oil industry right now is a spike in production, over-production has produced the low oil price and a spike would make it worse.