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11/11/16 5:38 PM

#261181 RE: Norfolk #261179

Norfolk, "It's unfair!" is your boy Trump's cry .. nobody is crying here .. the popular vote thing is simply a fact .. gone now.
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11/11/16 5:41 PM

#261182 RE: Norfolk #261179

Sorry, I think you are talking about some other post . .not mine just a little while ago?

IF this applies, apply it! if not forget about it!

hey dumbass . .why don't you learn to read and track ... ? eh?

If you did you would know that I brought up the popular vote .. and now, You got something to say to me?

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11/11/16 5:42 PM

#261183 RE: Norfolk #261179

A little stroll down memory lane... this is trump's blizzard of tweets in 2012 when he thought that romney had won the popular vote but not the electoral vote. My internet has been down all week, but I would be remiss to point out that before you get all chicken goopy about having the Orange Menace in the White House, just remember he spent most of his life as a Manhattan liberal. So don't be surprised if you are just as bummed as a sane person when his actual governance starts... wait, didn't he back off on repealing obamacare already and just wants to "tweak" it? LOL

credit for finding this belongs to seth mcfarlane's fb page.
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11/11/16 5:51 PM

#261184 RE: Norfolk #261179

o,k. I REREAD IT ! .. and you are still off base. Please tell me where this post that you have
commented on says the popular vote means "SOMETHING"?

I'm not seeing it .. except, I get it and we will get rid of the electoral college, for sure now. We waited too long

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11/11/16 5:53 PM

#261186 RE: Norfolk #261179

Norfolk -- "what most voters want" -- can't even post your bullshit without stepping in it, can you?

just like you still have that bullshit quote as your signature even though I showed you days ago ([linked in] and preceding [and any future following) that it is bullshit

and just since you keep doing it -- my username is F6, not 'F-6' -- get that right from now on -- thx
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11/11/16 6:24 PM

#261192 RE: Norfolk #261179

Norfolk:"popular vote" What it does not give the Republican (already saying)is a "mandate". They lost the popular vote. So for the next 4 years they will be lying again & again. As a dumb ass Republican you should no this. They go from the Party Of No to the Party Of Lie's. But they been that alone.