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11/10/16 11:44 AM

#3602 RE: Tommy Two Times #3601

Keynesian economics has plagued the world for over 100 years.
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11/10/16 11:48 AM

#3603 RE: Tommy Two Times #3601

Tommy, I agree with you, but we have to understand that the market has been purposely propped/run-up by the Bankster Elites with QE/low interest rates in the face of the very mediocre growth we've experienced in the last eight years along with the unsustainable government and personal debt in this country. The Fed has also created a huge credit bubble by their extending low interest rates.

This is IMO exactly the reason Trump has gotten elected. The middle/poor class has been getting killed in this environment and the rich elite class has gotten much richer. This is the other side-effect of the Fed actions.

I think the Fed will raise rates in December mainly because the election is over now and they claim, wrongly, the economy has improved markedly. I think the market will sell off at some point before they raise and most likely the economy will weaken more before it gets better.

I don't think the economy is anywhere close to standing on it's on if they take away the money juice from the market.

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11/10/16 12:14 PM

#3604 RE: Tommy Two Times #3601

I would also add that I saw Trump say a few months ago in an interview that the Fed should have been raising rates higher before now. I suspect his view will change on them raising rates too quickly now that he's the Pres.elect before we see some higher GDP growth. Because that won't happan until Trump implements some of his plans, but will come in time.
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11/10/16 12:55 PM

#3607 RE: Tommy Two Times #3601

Your opinion is well taken but the GOP has resisted any and every thing this administration has wanted. The four months he had a Dem congress he passed the ACA since that time, not much. You must understand they wanted him to fail no matter the harm to the American. That would make their point.

As far as a market correction, that's a definite. But how soon and how much is the question. Maybe your economy is awful but what I see, it's not that bad. Any night you go out there's traffic jams, malls are always packed and a waiting lines at most restaurants. The majority of cars on the road are Mercedes, Infiniti's, Lexus and so many luxury cars.

Let's see if Tr. brings all his manufacturing back from Asia, Mexico and other cheap places. When he does I will believe him. Until then, he's just Putin's puppet.