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11/09/16 10:16 PM

#5478 RE: MADDSTACKER #5472

nice find


11/10/16 8:51 AM

#5483 RE: MADDSTACKER #5472

Nice digging Brother, $CRCO


12/02/16 12:05 PM

#5987 RE: MADDSTACKER #5472

Does anyone have any idea, what they are doing with CRCO?

I looked them up on Facebook and sent a PM to them regarding a book I wrote and this is all I got.

(Me) Would you be interested in looking at a book I wrote for movie.
(Them?) Sure thing.
(Me) I'm assuming I'm reaching Carolco Studios.
Please confirm?
(Them?) Look man, I own the video library, and Carolco pretty much runs out of my parents garage. That said, the name does bring in some nice profit, even to this day
(Me) I saw a write up somewhere that you released I remake all that Jap film Takashi [Audition]?
What are your plans for the company?
Are you interested, tooled or connected to make another picture?

And contact terminated right there.