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11/08/16 3:29 PM

#260629 RE: F6 #260599

Ann Coulter’s Immigrant Ancestors

10/19/2015 12:54 pm ET | Updated Oct 19, 2016


All eight of her paternal great-great-grandparents (four couples) came to America from Europe. Six of these eight were Famine-era arrivals from Ireland,
while the other two were from Germany. Her Irish ancestors wouldn’t have been welcomed with open arms as can be seen from thesetypical 19th
century political cartoons showing the Irish as desperately poor, conniving, criminal, lazy, and impossible to assimilate (more examples here).


Many regarded the Irish as being of a different and inferior race, made all the worse by the fact that most were Catholic:

(Thomas Nast Cartoons website, though this is not one of his)

Nor were Germans exempt from anti-immigrant sentiment, as illustrated here
where both the Irish and Germans are depicted as running away with the vote.


All four of these ancestral couples had their first American-born child between 1855 and 1860, placing them in this region approximately two
centuries after fellow Europeans, some portion of that same 200 years for the more than 15,000 free African Americans who resided in Albany,

Seems Coulter's Purity Test would take away her own vote, too.

See also:

It’s Turtles All the Way Down

A little iHub story fits here. I've had a short few days pm exchange with a devout Christian. He called Einstein a bafoon [sic], because his science of the day wasn't a perfect fit for the scientific knowledge of today so that made Einstein an ignoramus. He said Sagan and Tyson were charlatans who got many facks [sic] wrong, and so were hated by real scientists.

After exchanging a couple of pms he asked me to ask him any question. No problem as he would have an answer for every one. So in my last one i repeated - why do you believe your 10000y old earth and your omnipotent God theory has more substance and is more worthy of belief than believing in Zeus - he replied by telling me as i was obviously not interested in facks [sic] at all and so he had put me on ignore.

That was yesterday. My latest experience of kind Christian charity. I was surprised he turned out to be such a sensitive prisoner guy.

Qualification: not sure if a he or a she. I guess we tend to he instead of she when we don't know because of our conditioning, eh. lol