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11/07/16 7:20 PM

#260558 RE: fuagf #260549

A Dr Edward F Group just on Alex Jones was extolling the positive result, proven
by many studies, he said, of a meditating group cutting crime in Washington DC.

Scientist fighting crime and gravity

Levitation was one professor's plan to cut crime. And it worked. Sort of

The Natural Law party believes that yogic flying is the key to a
happy, problem-free nation. Photograph: Reuters

Marc Abrahams

Tuesday 9 October 2012 02.30 AEDT

[the key is at the bottom]

At a press conference the following year, just weeks before the presidential election, candidate Hagelin announced the results of the experiment: it was a success. While the meditators were meditating and levitating, Washington's crime rate dropped by 18%.

This was a fact. The crime rate did drop by 18%. However, the rate that dropped by 18% was not the number of crimes actually committed – in fact, during the experiment, Washington's weekly murder count hit the highest level ever recorded. The 18% drop was from Hagelin's computer prediction of what would have happened had his meditators not been meditating and levitating.

For his influence on criminals, John Hagelin was awarded the 1994 Ig Nobel Peace Prize.

• Marc Abrahams is organiser of the Ig Nobel prizes and editor of the Annals of Improbable Research

After Edward Group two new guests and the then host happily spread the
lie that Obama had encouraged undocumented immigrants to vote. Of course Obama didn't.

The present host just went through a number of states in which MSM polls have Hillary ahead, yet
actually Trump was ahead. He said. Oh, and he discounted a Real Clear Politics poll which put Hillary
ahead in Florida by saying that they always leaned to Democrats. Funny, i always though it was the reverse.

Basically so far virtually all i've seen in popping in for a sneak peek has been disinformation or straight out lies.

Trump is destroying Hillary in Florida, they've said just now. Not just beating her.

Thrashing her by some 60%+, or something. I forget the figures used, but it was huge!!!

OH! Hillary up in Pennsylvania, BUT Philadelphia is known for election fraud. The presenter said.

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11/07/16 7:33 PM

#260559 RE: fuagf #260549

What is really great is that Trump controls his own twitter account!!! The present presenter
just said. You'd think since ALL of these people are so well informed they would all know

Obama Taunts Trump About Campaign Taking Away His Twitter Account

much more than what we all here have seen.

And a picture saying the kidnappers sure look like the Podestas.

Now their smear spin they have on the Spirit Cooking.

It's a constant stream of bullshit lies, misinformation and conspiracy junk. No wonder millions of minds are totally fucked up.
