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11/07/16 11:07 PM

#217 RE: ChuckFinley305 #216

You hit the nail on the head about Chris Nelson making sure he got paid.

It always amazed me reading the financials just how much was devoted to all the different ways money was funneled out of the company compared to how little was said about technical progress made in this one (future) product company.

Or even spent discussing a plausible business plan, compared to all the ink spent on various forms of remuneration of executives.

And when you consider that Chris Nelson had spent years as President of Cyclone shepherding all the utter failures of the WHE engine, how is it he could tell people with a straight face he expected the Q2Power system to actually work and generate income?

With all the millions spent at Cyclone, then the work at Ohio State University concluding they couldn't make the bearings work, there was no reason in the world to expect this engine could be made to work without a genuine miracle happening.

Yet he sold millions in stock and borrowed more on top.

But, there's no doubt his paychecks cleared.