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11/06/16 8:13 PM

#260518 RE: BOREALIS #260505

The New York Times offers one last tour inside the Donald J. Trump tire fire

By Hunter
Sunday Nov 06, 2016 · 4:15 PM CST

Here are just a few of the things we're learning from this (ahem) vivid New York Times account of the last days of the Donald J. Trump presidential campaign. It’s worth a read.

• Trump's daughter Ivanka "discouraged" the campaign from promoting her own ad for her father, fearing it would damage her own businesses.

• Corey Lewandowski, CNN's pro-Trump "analyst", "still talk[s] to the candidate frequently."

• Trump doesn't use a computer and, apparently, can't wrap his mind around the idea that other people do. So he "rails against the campaign’s expenditure of tens of millions on digital ads, skeptical that spots he never sees could have any effect."

• Trump's Gettysburg speech was supposed to be something more dignified and highbrow, but Trump "insisted" that he instead use the event to lash out at women accusing him of sexual assault. This made his campaign team sad.

• Steve Bannon's pants literally caught fire while helping to write one of Trump's speeches. Parlor game: Guess which one!

• Trump's team finally took away his Twitter access because … well, I think we all know why.

• Trump does not do well with alone-time.

Aboard his gold-plated jumbo jet, the Republican nominee does not like to rest or be alone with his thoughts, insisting that aides stay up and keep talking to him. He prefers the soothing, whispery voice of his son-in-law.

He requires constant assurance that his candidacy is on track. [...]

And he is struggling to suppress his bottomless need for attention.

Goodnight, moon. Goodnight, jet. Goodnight, horrible stain on the nation that will never, ever come out.