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08/13/06 5:23 PM

#41816 RE: dale1953 #41815

Here is my scenario to HISC and EVSY.
HISS wanted to up list to the bigger board. They put in an application in to the sec. They started to promote, and work on HISS. They ran into a company (EVSI) that looked very appealing. They tell us that HISS has retracted their statement because they have an acquisition that could put them on the Nasdac board, and they could not pursue two things at a time, so they will retract that application to the SEC uplist. We all get big time excited. We wait ……We wait …… a couple of delays later we have a phone conference telling of the problems and the re-routing of the business structure. Then we We wait ……get a letter from the new CEO Fred Wicks. Explaining the reason we have to wait some more. Frustrating …

This is how I see the new and final direction.

HISS byes Evans. They keep the old BOD in place long enough to make all transaction happen and acquire the 300,000,000 shares HISS wants on the books, because they would have a tougher time if they took it over from EVSI and then tried to do it themselves. They just had the old BOD at Evans stay long enough to do this. No big reason other than it was easier. Also it gave HISS time to reform their office.
Once completed, Mr. Moody will assume the Evans CEO position, with his same BOD at HISS. They will start Evans on a rebuild road of recovery, implementing their new direction. (the speculation is that Evans could be a shell Company)
I know that HISS said that they will allow HISS to grow as a separate company from Evans (I think only for now), but I SPECULATE … Evans name will changed to Global-Tec. … Then Global Tec will keep the same Web page but change the name from HISS to Global Tec. OR, is It possible that Global Tec could acquire HISS…combining our shares together, remember they are dividends. Over all picture is … this would up list US.
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08/13/06 5:23 PM

#41817 RE: dale1953 #41815

Hello ,I havent posted here before but have been hisc for over a year.I would like to make a comment,during the conference didnt they say Frank Moody was going to be moving to Evsi?I would think since nothing has been said to the contrary,that its still going to happen.Pertaining to EVSI having no assets,I believe thats one of the reasons HISC bought them.Having no assets,means no real value,so,its bought for a very inexpensive price.For those still hanging on,stick with it ,were going up again.